There are some age old traditions that embody the Christmas season. For some, it’s baking Christmas cookies and for others, it’s putting together the family Christmas card. More recently for many, a new tradition has made its way into the annual Christmas tradition list and that new tradition is…..
The Elf on the Shelf.
This cute little elf that creepily, er..I mean, magically, makes its way into your home, watches your children’s every move and monitors whether or not their behavior is appropriate enough to warrant a gift from the Big Guy in Red. If not, that cute little elf will tattle on your children and ensure that they will not be allowed the age old tradition of receiving a gift on Christmas morning. The irony in all this, is that this cute little elf is often mischievous in it’s own right and is found every single morning in a new location and always doing something cute and clever.
My 8 year old son feels that our family is missing out because we don’t have an elf in our home. Being the Grinch that I am, I told him that I didn’t want him to behave solely to appease the uninvited little visitor from the North Pole that hides out in houses December 1st-24th. I wanted him to behave because it is the right thing to do and that I expected it out of him. He told me that he knew it wasn’t a “real elf” and that he wanted one because all of his friends had one and it would be a fun thing to wake up to in the morning.
I mean, if all of his friends have one, then that absolutely means that we have to get one right and by all means, please tell me how I can make your mornings more fun? (Insert Sarcasm)
I’m not caving on this one. To all the amazing parents out there that have adapted this new, energy sucking tradition, my elf hats off to you.
Here is why I am not going to do this.
As if Christmas isn’t already stressful enough, you want me to come up with clever ideas, on the daily, of how and where to put this little velvety monster? I feel like I barely have enough time to go to the bathroom.
And really?!?! My son wants something fun to wake up to? How about playing with the gobs of toys that are sitting in his room and playroom that see, maybe a minute, of playing time a year.
I swear, this is just one more thing to do besides buying all the gifts, wrapping all the gifts, decorating for the holiday, preparing for the holidays and all around ensuring that this season is magical for everyone besides you.
So, to those that have an elf, I commend you and your efforts. the actual elf, a big middle finger to you and thanks, but no thanks. I don’t need any help knowing that my children are misbehaving.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from The Elf-less of the Shelf-less, Hammer Family.